Right, copying Katrina's style I have decided to enter a pre-trip blog to practise blogging because I also am a novice.
There are 4 days until I leave for South America, and I'm a bit nervous. I am looking forward to getting there and I think I'll be fine once I arrive and find Claire, Anthea and Katrina, I'm just not too keen on flying by myself, mainly due to boredom but also the fear of arriving and finding myself with no aforementioned travel buddies. The likelihood of this happening is very slim and we have discussed it at length and made contingency plans but still it's always at the back of my mind.
Currently however my main issue is packing, questions such as do I have everything? I wonder if I'll need this? I wonder if Claire would have packed that? is this too much shampoo? how heavy is my pack? etc keep popping into my head. Mainly I'm just winging it, and keeping in mind that whatever I don't bring I can always buy once I get there.
I think its sweet how many people want to hear about my journey so I hope I got all of your emails addresses. If you are reading this and you know of someone who doesn't know about it then forward them the link please :)
The next post should be from Buenos Aires, unless I get bored during my 6 hour wait at Auckland airport which is highly possible